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Yoni Eggs 

Our yoni is our inner sanctuary. We can access wisdom, power, sexuality and so much more. How we honor this sacred area depends on our ability to learn how to take special care of the yoni. Our unbalanced emotions store negative energy in our womb and if we are not careful that energy can turn into unwanted disease. It's important to reconnect ourselves to the higher being within us that is ever present.


The Yoni egg custom is an ancient practice, passed down to women for spiritual health, toning, strengthening the muscles of the pelvis, sexual energy and the list can go on. Practicing with the Yoni Egg regularly, will enhance the vitality of your vagina.



Yoni Egg Practice will help with:


  • Gaining control of the pelvic floor muscles.

  • Awakening your creative energy.

  • You will help your mate with ejaculation control.

  • Controlling your emotions and sexuality.

  • Reduces breast discomfort.

  • Reducing menopausal symptoms.

  • Increasing vaginal lubrication and balancing estrogen levels.

  • Helps tighten the vaginal walls.

  • Promotes new nerve growth.

  • Experience new kinds of orgasms.

  • Reduced PMS, menstrual cramps and the duration of your menses.

  • Improve overall health and well-being.

We have Chosen Three Yoni Egg For Beginners: 


*Rose Quartz is an amazing stone that enhances self-love, and love for others. Promotes forgiveness, unconditional love, happiness and peace. Rose Quartz is an emotional balancer, and heals the Heart Chakra. Women who have experienced sexual trauma or negative past lovers, Rose Quarts will help to transmute that negative energy into love. Heals all conditions involving a lack of self-worth or self-love. Use this stone during meditation with yoni exercise. 


*Clear Quartz is a master healing and protection stone. It clears all thoughts of negative emotions and aligns you with your higher self.  Helps with calmness in any situation, increases and clarifies intuition. Use this stone for grounding oneself during meditation with yoni exercise. 


Amethyst is a high spiritual vibration stone, guards against psychic attack, blocks negative energy, natural tranquilizer  It enhances spiritual awareness, protective stone, helps in mental focuse,  spiritual insights and emotional centering. It dispels anger, rage, fear and enxiety, promoting love and encouraging selflessness and spiritual wisdom.  Use the stone to highten your spirituality during meditation with yoni exercise





Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz Yoni Egg represents motherhood, unconditional love, peace,  forgiveness, compassion, childbirth, rebirth, understanding, tenderness, oneness, heart chakra, feminine energy, healing, nourishment and tenderness.


Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz Crystal is the master and amplifier

 healing stone,helps with mental clarity, brings visions, enhances ones intentions.



Amethyst is a powerful and protective stone, with high spiritual vibration, transmits energy into love, guards against psychic attack, blocks negative environment energies, enhances your consciousness and meditation, heals, cleanses, and enhances spiritual awareness. 




**Yoni Egg Classes are Free with a purchase of a yoni egg.

Beginners Yoni Egg Classes are $45.00

for 4 classes. 


Yoga, and Ovarian Breathing will be coming soon.   

Call for more information.


The Holistic Womb

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