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Yoni steaming, Bajos, or Chai-Yok, have been used for centuries to treat many reproductive conditions including painful or irregular periods, endometriosis, infertility, fibroids, cysts, cervical stenosis, vaginal dryness, hemorrhoids and so much more. We at The Holistic Womb  located at Zion Wellness Center, offer a system called Womb Steam Baths & Therapy. Using Steam baths in conjunction with herbal teas, nutrution regimens and lifestyle changes, to achieve complete health and wellness. 

 The Holistic Womb

Womb Steam Baths & Therapy


Our Womb Steam Baths are formulated to detoxify the vagina & reproductive system by using herbal steam to stimulate blood flow which causes a release of toxins. Herbal teas, such as Journey to Your Womb, are used to enhance the experience.



Holistic healers all over the world, have used Vaginal Steaming as a rights of passage for young girls going through puberty and into woman hood. Vaginal Steaming is also used after childbirth, during chronic fertility issues, and as an internal cleanser of the vagina and uterus. Vaginal Steaming softens the pelvic bowl, and helps to encourage the womb into an open and more upright position.  


Vaginal Steaming is also used for women that have irregular and painful menstruation, uterine weakness, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, reproductive /scar tissue, PMS, cramps during your menses,  PCOS,  episiotomy, previous vaginal tear, uterine prolapse.








 Spiritual & Emotional 


From an emotional and spiritual perspective, vaginal steaming cleanses and unblocks the Root Chakra which can encourage positive energies in women and the people around them. Women use the steaming experience to remove and cleanse themselves of upsetting or unwanted memories of past partners, sexual abuse, rape, miscarriage, ect. that have been attached through your

Womb and Root Chakra. 


By unblocking the Root Chakra love, fertility, and healing of old wounds, brings about a beautiful connection between your body, mind and spirit, allowing  you to become centered and  strengthen in your well being.  Vaginal Steaming improves and maintains feminine hygiene, cleanliness,  freshness, vaginal dryness and reduces muscle tightness and spasms. 







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We are proud to present our 6 blends of 
 (Yoni or Vaginal Steaming) services, & Holistic Care for women of all stages of life.
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